Leslie Howard Kern (also known as Les Kern), of Wilmington, North Carolina, a stockbroker registered with DH Hill Securities LLLP, is the subject of a customer initiated investment related Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) securities arbitration claim in which the customer requested $200,000.00 in damages based upon allegations that Kern made unsuitable recommendations in asset-backed bonds and caused the customer’s account to be overconcentrated in those investments when Kern was associated with DH Hill Securities LLLP. FINRA Arbitration No. 23-03352 (December 4, 2023).
Kern is referenced in four other customer initiated investment related disputes concerning Kern’s conduct while associated with securities broker dealers. Public Disclosure shows that on February 18, 2003, a customer initiated investment related NASD securities arbitration claim involving Kern’s conduct was settled for $160,500.00 in damages based upon allegations that Kern made misrepresentations of material fact and made unsuitable recommendations in variable universal life policies during the time that Kern was associated with Sigma Financial Corporation. NASD Arbitration No. 03-01038.
On November 23, 2022, a securities arbitration claim involving Kern’s conduct was settled for $7,500.00 in damages. The claim alleged unsuitable advice, breach of contract, and misrepresentations of material fact in connection with the sale of real estate securities while he was associated with DH Hill Securities LLLP. FINRA Arbitration No. 22-02112.
On February 28, 2023, a securities arbitration claim involving Kern’s conduct in which the customer requested $100,000.00 in damages based upon allegations that Kern made unsuitable recommendations, misrepresentations of material fact, and breached his fiduciary duties in connection with the sale of asset-backed bonds. FINRA Arbitration No. 23-00462.
Kern is also referenced in a securities arbitration claim in which the customer requested $50,000.00 in damages. The claim alleged that Kern made unsuitable recommendations, failed to perform due diligence, and made misrepresentations of material fact. FINRA Arbitration No. 23-01539 (May 25, 2023).
Kern has been associated with DH Hill Securities LLLP since January 4, 2016. Kern has also been registered as an investment advisor representative with DH Hill Advisors Inc. since February 10, 2016.