Sixteen specialist panels will examine Cultural Considerations in International Arbitration:
- Bridging the Divide – Civil vs. Common Law
- Ad-hoc or Institutional Arbitration – The Good and the Bad
- Procedure Under the UNCITRAL Model Rules
- Drafting the Arbitration Clause – Addressing the Issues
- Anti-suit Injunctions – Protection of Legal and Equitable Rights
- Arbitration and the Feeling of Justice – Matching Client Expectations with Reality
- Interim Measures – Facilitating the Arbitral Process
- Arbitrator Duties of Disclosure; Discovery in International Arbitration
Binding Non-signatories to International Arbitral Awards and Current Trends in International Arbitration as well as Collaborative Mediation in Complex Cases, Mediating a Construction Dispute, Mediating a Commercial Dispute, Enforcement of a Mediated Settlement Agreement In three open fora, moderated by renowned experts, participants will discuss their favorite ADR war stories, avoiding the mediation potholes and “Faster, Cheaper & More Confidential” is it fact or fiction”
The conference provides two full days of program and the Center for International Legal Studies will certify up to 2 hours CLE and/or 1.5 hours CPD credit per 90-min conference session attended.
The conference starts on Thursday, 15 June at 6.30 p.m. with a cocktail reception and a tour of the palace. Sessions will run all day Friday and Saturday. The conference concludes with a dinner on Saturday. The language of the conference is English.
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