Lawrence William Waller II, of Atlanta, Georgia, a stockbroker registered with Stonex Securities Inc., formerly Stern Agee Financial Services, Inc. , is the subject of a customer initiated investment related Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) securities arbitration claim in which the customer requested $135,000.00 in damages based upon allegations that Waller breached his fiduciary duties in connection with the recommendation and sale of stocks when Waller was associated with SA Stone Wealth Management Inc. The claim alleged that Waller failed to diversify assets in the customer’s investment advisory account. FINRA Arbitration No. 23-03245 (November 8, 2023).
FINRA Public Disclosure shows that Waller is referenced in two other customer initiated investment related disputes concerning Waller’s conduct while associated with securities broker dealers. On February 27, 2007, a customer filed an investment related complaint involving Waller’s conduct in which the customer requested compensatory damages based upon alleged sales practice violations during the time that Waller was associated with Securities America Inc.
On April 11, 2007, another customer filed an investment related complaint involving Waller’s conduct in which the customer requested compensatory damages based upon allegations that Waller committed forgery when Waller was associated with Securities America Inc. Those disputes were closed without further action taken by the customers.
Public Disclosure also shows that previous securities broker dealer employer, HD Vest, discharged Waller as a stockbroker based upon allegations that Waller engaged in discretionary trading within a fee-based account.
Waller has been associated with Stonex Securities Inc. in Atlanta, Georgia since September 12, 2014. He has also been associated with Stonex Advisors Inc. in Atlanta, Georgia since January 30, 2015.