Jon Oscar Laurell of East Harwich, Massachusetts, a stockbroker registered with Stifel Nicolaus Co. Inc., was the subject of a customer initiated investment related Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) securities arbitration claim that was settled for $7,500.00 in damages based upon allegations that Laurell made unsuitable recommendations of municipal bonds when Laurell was associated with Stifel Nicolaus Co. Inc. FINRA Arbitration No. 20-00247 (March 29, 2023).
FINRA Public Disclosure shows that Laurell is referenced in four other customer initiated investment related disputes concerning Laurell’s conduct while associated with securities broker dealers, including A.G. Edwards Sons Inc. A customer filed an investment related complaint involving Laurell’s conduct in which the customer requested compensation based upon allegations that Laurell made unsuitable recommendations of UITs during the time that Laurell was associated with A.G. Edwards Sons Inc. This complaint was closed without a resolution.
Another customer filed an investment related complaint involving Laurell’s conduct in which the customer requested $60,000.00 in damages based upon alleged unsuitable variable annuities when Laurell was associated with A.G. Edwards Sons Inc. This complaint was closed without a resolution.
Laurell was also referenced in a customer initiated investment related complaint that was settled on October 9, 2014, for $125,000.00 in damages based upon allegations that Laurell churned accounts and engaged in unauthorized trading in closed-end funds and municipal bonds during the time that Laurell was associated with Stifel Nicolaus Co. Inc.
On September 14, 2015, another customer filed an investment related complaint involving Laurell’s conduct in which the customer requested $137,000.00 in damages based upon allegations that Laurell made unsuitable recommendations of municipal bonds when Laurell was associated with Stifel Nicolaus Co. Inc. The securities broker dealer denied this complaint.
Laurell has been associated with Stifel Nicolaus Co. Inc. as a stockbroker from May 7, 2008, to February 14, 2019.