older woman

John Kirkland Moy of Boca Raton Florida a stockbroker formerly employed by National Securities Corporation has been terminated from the securities broker dealer on April 5, 2019 based upon allegations of Moy giving bad advice to customers concerning the liquidation of their accounts.

This is not the first time that Moy has been terminated from a securities broker dealer for infractions of company rules. Specifically, on March 2, 2018, Moy was discharged by Morgan Stanley Wealth Management supported by accusations of Moy’s misconduct with respect to the establishment of investment accounts.

Also, FINRA Public Disclosure reveals that Moy has been identified in seven customer initiated investment related disputes pertaining to allegations of his violative conduct during the period in which he was associated with Merrill Lynch and Prudential Securities Inc. In particular, Moy is referenced in a customer initiated investment related arbitration claim where the customer was awarded $32,809.00 in compensatory damages based upon Moy being found liable on the customer’s claims which included that false or misleading statements were fraudulently made by Moy concerning investment returns; the customer’s account had been handled negligently; trades were placed without authorization; and state and federal securities laws were violated.

Moy is the subject of another customer initiated investment related complaint in which the customer requested damages estimated to exceed $5,000.00 founded on accusations of the customer’s assets being allocated in aggressive and unsuitable investments when Moy was employed by Prudential. Another customer filed an investment related complaint involving Moy’s conduct while associated with Prudential where the customer sought unspecified damages based upon allegations of the customer being placed in investments which failed to comport with the customer’s investor profile and risk tolerance.

Also, Moy is referenced in a customer initiated investment related complaint in which the customer requested more than $5,000.00 in damages supported by accusations of unfounded statements being made by Moy concerning the terms and guarantees of an annuity; and the customer being deceived and defrauded by investing in the annuity. On November 15, 2017, an additional customer initiated investment related arbitration claim in regard to Moy’s conduct was settled for $65,000.00 in damages founded on allegations of poor investment advice being provided by Moy when he was employed by Merrill Lynch.

Moy has been registered with Newbridge Securities Corporation since June 7, 2019.