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James Earl Williams, of Boca Raton, Florida, a stockbroker registered with Newbridge Securities Corporation, was the subject of a customer initiated investment related Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) securities arbitration claim that was settled for $5,000.00 in damages based upon alleged breach of fiduciary duty, violation of state securities laws, and breach of contract when Williams was associated with Newbridge Securities Corporation. FINRA Arbitration No. 23-02275 (November 15, 2023).

FINRA Public Disclosure shows that Williams is referenced in five other customer initiated investment related disputes concerning Williams’ conduct while associated with securities broker dealers. On April 20, 2001, a customer filed an investment related complaint involving Williams’ conduct in which the customer requested $23,589.00 in damages based upon the alleged unsuitable investment recommendation of over-the-counter equities during the time that Williams was associated with A.G. Edwards Sons Inc. The complaint was denied.

On April 24, 2008, a customer initiated investment related complaint involving Williams’s conduct was settled for $40,000.00 in damages based upon the alleged unsuitable investment recommendations and unauthorized trading in over-the-counter equities when Williams was associated with Janney Montgomery Scott LLC.

Williams was also referenced in a FINRA securities arbitration claim that was settled for $850,000.00 in damages based upon alleged unsuitable, excessive, and unauthorized trading in stocks during the time that Williams was associated with Janney Montgomery Scott LLC. FINRA Arbitration No. 0904344 (April 21, 2010). The claim also alleged fraudulent transactions.

On October 5, 2010, a customer initiated investment related complaint involving Williams’ conduct was settled for $45,500.00 in damages based upon alleged unsuitable investment recommendations of mutual funds. Williams was also referenced in a complaint that was settled on August 28, 2023, for $140,000.00 in damages based upon alleged negligent supervision, breach of fiduciary duty, and negligence in connection with the sale of alternative investments when Williams was associated with Newbridge Securities Corporation.

Williams has been associated with Newbridge Securities Corporation in Boca Raton, Florida, since June 9, 2010.