Dominic John Scalzi of New York, New York, a stockbroker formerly registered with Deutsche Bank Securities, has been barred by Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) from associating with any FINRA member in any capacity based upon allegations that he failed to cooperate with FINRA’s request for information about his outside business activities. FINRA Case No. 2021070117501 (Oct. 18, 2021).
According to FINRA Public Disclosure, FINRA sought information from Scalzi after he was discharged as a stockbroker from Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. Scalzi was discharged on December 31, 2020, based upon allegations that he engaged in undisclosed real estate investment activities. The securities broker dealer alleged that those activities involved him buying a property from a company managed by a customer and involved forming a new company for purposes of holding the investment.
FINRA sent Scalzi a Notice of Suspension letter on July 15, 2021, and a Suspension from Association letter on August 9, 2021. Scalzi failed to contact the regulator by October 17, 2021, regarding the suspension. Therefore, FINRA automatically barred him in all capacities on October 18, 2021.
Scalzi was associated with Deutsche Bank Securities from 2006 to 2021, Banc of America Investment Services from 2003 to 2006, and NFB Investment Services from 2002 to 2002.