Dean John Kajouras of New York New York a stockbroker formerly registered with Spartan Capital Securities LLC is referenced in a Consent Order issued by the State of Massachusetts Securities Division which required Kajouras to cease and desist from making unsuitable recommendations or engaging in other conduct violative of Massachusetts Securities Laws and required Kajouras to pay $60,000.00 in restitution to a customer founded on allegations of Kajouras inappropriately concentrating a retired customer’s assets in one investment while Kajouras was associated with Spartan Capital Securities. Case No. E-2016-0085 (July 9, 2019).
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Public Disclosure reveals that Kajouras has been identified in nine customer initiated investment related disputes pertaining to accusations of his misconduct during the time that he was employed by securities broker dealers including Spartan Capital Securities. Particularly, a customer initiated investment related complaint concerning Kajouras’ activities was resolved for $86,842.89 in damages based upon allegations that Kajouras overconcentrated the customer’s assets and charged the customer unwarranted commissions on the supposedly excessive stock trades placed in the customer’s account.
On April 6, 2015, a customer filed an investment related complaint regarding Kajouras’ conduct where the customer requested $275,000.00 in damages supported by accusations that the customer’s investments poorly performed; investment instructions had been disregarded; false or misleading statements had been made concerning stocks and over-the-counter equities; and the customer’s account had been oversaturated in inappropriate investments. Also, a customer initiated investment related arbitration claim concerning Kajouras’ conduct was settled for $12,500 in damages founded on allegations that fiduciary and contractual obligations to the customer were violated; transactions were unsuitable; misrepresentations had been made regarding investments; the customer’s assets were over-concentrated in speculative investments; unauthorized transactions were effected in the customer’s account; and the customer’s account was churned and negligently administered. FINRA Arbitration No. 16-00019 (Feb. 7, 2017).
Moreover, a customer initiated investment related arbitration claim in regards to Kajouras’ activities was resolved for $15,000.00 in damages based upon accusations that Kajouras breached a contract, placed the customer in bad stock and private placement products; excessively traded the customer’s assets; and charged exorbitant commissions and fees. FINRA Arbitration No. 17-01682 (Aug. 31, 2018). Kajouras is also subject of a customer initiated investment related arbitration claim in which the customer sought $1,600,000.00 in damages supported by allegations that (1) the customer was placed into a private placement that was in no way suitable for the customer (2) contractual and fiduciary obligations had been violated (3) false or misleading statements had been made concerning the terms and conditions of the private placement and (4) the customer had been defrauded. FINRA Arbitration No. 19-01489 (June 8, 2019).