Bradley Joseph Tennison of Mesa Arizona a stockbroker formerly registered with Geneos Wealth Management Inc. has been barred from associating with any Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) member in any capacity based upon consenting to findings that Tennison failed to cooperate with FINRA’s investigation into allegations that he made recommendations for a former customer to invest away from the firm. Letter of Acceptance Waiver and Consent No. 2018058302101 (July 2, 2018).
According to FINRA Public Disclosure, Tennison had been discharged by Geneos Wealth Management Inc. on April 25, 2018 supported by accusations that the firm was the recipient of a former customer’s complaint addressing investments recommended by Tennison in 2016. The firm apparently could not obtain records of the investments referenced by the customer, and was unable to procure an in depth response from Tennison concerning the customer’s assertions.
The AWC stated that in April of 2018, an investigation was commenced by FINRA into Tennison’s activities in which Tennison was examined for recommending that a customer place $300,000.00 in an investment that Geneos Wealth Management Inc. did not authorize for sale. Evidently, in May of 2018, Tennison was called upon by FINRA to provide information and documentation to the regulator according to Rule 8210.
Tennison partially responded to FINRA’s request; however, he eventually declined to continue participating in FINRA’s investigation. Specifically, on May 22, 2018, Tennison was asked by FINRA to provide recorded testimony in reference to the customer’s complaint. The AWC revealed that on June 15, 2018, Tennison’s counsel interacted with FINRA confirming that Tennison acknowledged FINRA’s testimony request but would at no point provide recorded testimony. FINRA found that Tennison’s failure to cooperate was violative of FINRA Rules 2010 and 8210.
FINRA Public Disclosure confirms that Tennison was previously associated with Oberlin Financial Corp. but discharged on August 10, 2005 founded on allegations that without Tennison procuring supervisory approval, he furnished documentation to a mutual fund product sponsor to effect a customer’s purchase of mutual funds with the proceeds of an annuity.
Tennison has been identified in three additional customer initiated investment related disputes containing accusations of his violative conduct during the period that he was employed by Geneos Wealth Management Inc. and First Allied Securities. Specifically, a customer initiated investment related arbitration claim involving Tennison’s conduct was settled for $79,380.00 in damages based upon allegations that transactions were effected in the customer’s account that were not suitable for the customer, and fiduciary duties owed to the customer had been breached concerning over-the-counter equities transactions executed in the customer’s account. National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) Arbitration No. 02-04176 (Mar. 16, 2004).
On June 23, 2011, a customer initiated investment related complaint involving Tennison’s activities was resolved for $28,013.52 in damages supported by accusations that Tennison executed limited partnership investment transactions that were not suitable for the customer. Then, on April 24, 2018, a customer filed an investment related complaint concerning Tennison’s conduct where the customer sought $300,000.00 in damages founded on allegations that the customer was improperly advised by Tennison to place assets in The Joseph Project – a one year investment with five percent enhancement – wherein the customer neither received a return of her principal nor any statements reflecting the investment.
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