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Alexis Kinashea Cooke of Lake Success New York a stockbroker formerly registered with NYLife Securities LLC has been barred from associating with any Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) member in any capacity founded on findings that Cooke engaged in forgery and the falsification of applications relating to variable annuity products, and she failed to provide a truthful response to FINRA staff while she was under investigation and testifying about her activities. Letter of Acceptance Waiver and Consent No. 2018059175201 (Aug. 13, 2021).

According to the AWC, four annuity applications had been falsified by Cooke which affected two customers. The first two concerned variable annuity applications that had been completed by Cooke in October of 2017. NYLife was led to believe from Cooke that those applications were legitimate and authorized. But those applications were submitted to the firm by Cooke unbeknownst to customers and without their permission.

The AWC stated that two fixed annuity applications were completed by Cooke between May and June of 2017. When the applications were submitted, Cooke falsely represented that she met with the customers and witnessed their signatures and identification. FINRA determined that Cooke did not meet any of those customers. The documents were falsified. The applications to establish customers’ fixed annuities had been submitted to NYLife Securities without the customers’ knowledge or authorization. FINRA also noted that in submitting a 2017 questionnaire to the firm, Cooke agreed that she would abide by the company’s customer identification policy.

Cooke’s unauthorized fixed annuity and variable annuity transactions allowed her to obtain commissions of $68,000.00. FINRA determined that Cooke violated FINRA Rule 2010 by way of falsifying the application and for causing inaccurate records and books to be maintained by NYLife Securities.

The AWC also stated that Cooke forged customer signatures and impersonated customers in regard to the annuity transactions. The AWC stated that customers’ signatures had been electronically forged by Cooke through DocuSign. Cooke then used a fake email address to impersonate a customer when corresponding with NYLife regarding the applications. Cooke violated FINRA Rule 2010 for this reason.

FINRA additionally stated that on June 1, 2021, Cooke was prompted by FINRA to testify about her interactions with those customers. She denied forging customers’ signatures and using phony email addresses to impersonate customers. Then Cooke was presented with evidence from FINRA which showed that she was lying. Cooke later admitted to the forgery but continued to deny her involvement with one of the customers. Cooke violated FINRA Rules 2010 and 8210 as a result.

Cooke’s registration with NYLife Securities was terminated on June 21, 2018 supported by accusations of her unauthorized transactions and violation of NYLife’s policies.