William Dale Dobbs of Clinton, Tennessee, a stockbroker registered with Centaurus Financial Inc., is the subject of a customer initiated investment related Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) securities arbitration claim in which the customer requested $138,000.00 in damages. The customer alleged that Dobbs breached his fiduciary duties and made unsuitable recommendations in corporate bonds during the time that Dobbs was associated with Centaurus Financial Inc. FINRA Arbitration No. 24-00568 (March 14, 2024).
FINRA Public Disclosure shows that Dobbs is referenced in nine other customer initiated investment related disputes concerning Dobbs’s conduct while associated with securities broker dealers. Dobbs is also referenced in a customer initiated investment related complaint filed on December 11, 2009, in which the customer requested $16,856.63 in damages based upon allegations that Dobbs misrepresented the premium requirements on variable life insurance policies. The customer also alleged that Dobbs changed subaccounts of the policies without their knowledge. MetLife Securities denied this complaint.
On January 5, 2010, another customer filed an investment related complaint involving Dobbs’ conduct in which the customer requested $15,989.28 in damages based upon allegations that Dobbs provided false information on features of the variable life insurance policy. The securities broker dealer denied this complaint.
On May 11, 2010, a customer initiated an investment related FINRA securities arbitration claim involving Dobbs’s conduct, which was settled for $50,000.00 in damages based upon allegations that Dobbs failed to execute a stop loss order, resulting in damages. FINRA Arbitration No. 10-01926.
On June 13, 2022, a customer initiated investment related FINRA securities arbitration claim involving Dobbs’s conduct was settled for $59,900.00 in damages based upon allegations that Dobbs made unsuitable recommendations in REITs and oil and gas investments when Dobbs was associated with Centaurus Financial Inc. FINRA Arbitration No. 21-00417.
On January 8, 2024, a securities arbitration claim involving Dobbs’s conduct was settled for $35,000.00 in damages based upon allegations that Dobbs made unsuitable recommendations in corporate bonds during the time that Dobbs was associated with Centaurus Financial Inc. FINRA Arbitration No. 22-02986.
Dobbs is also referenced in a securities arbitration claim that was settled for $17,800.00 in damages based upon allegations that Dobbs recommended speculative and illiquid bonds to the customer. FINRA Arbitration No. 23-00947 (January 8, 2024). Another securities arbitration claim involving Dobbs’s conduct was settled for $12,000.00 in damages based upon the alleged breach of fiduciary duty by Dobbs in connection with the sale of corporate bonds. FINRA Arbitration No. 23-02583 (January 23, 2024).
Dobbs has been associated with Centaurus Financial Inc. in Clinton, Tennessee since April 7, 2009.