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Richard Jay Rustic, of Bristol, Connecticut, a stockbroker registered with Commonwealth Financial Network, is the subject of a customer initiated investment related civil action in which the customer requested damages based upon alleged breach of fiduciary duty when Rustic was associated with Commonwealth Financial Network. Civil Action No. HHD-CV-24-6181034S (February 26, 2024). The claim alleged that beneficiaries were improperly changed on the customer’s individual retirement accounts.

This is not the first time that Rustic has been referenced in a customer initiated investment related dispute concerning Rustic’s conduct in the securities industry. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Public Disclosure shows that Rustic is also referenced in a customer initiated investment related civil action in which the customer requested damages based upon allegations of breach of fiduciary duty during the time that Rustic was associated with Commonwealth Financial Network. Civil Action No. HHD-CV22-6153616-5 (August 3, 2023).

Rustic has been associated with Commonwealth Financial Network in Bristol, Connecticut since February 26, 2002, as a stockbroker, and since July 24, 2002, as an investment advisor representative.