John Edward Cassandra of Boynton Beach Florida a stockbroker currently registered with Raymond James Financial Services is referenced in a customer initiated investment related FINRA securities arbitration claim where the customer requested $14,999.00 in damages based upon accusations of unsuitable equities being purchased in the Raymond James customer’s account between November 7, 2001 and March 30, 2017. FINRA Arbitration No. 20-00480 (Aug. 26, 2020).
Cassandra has been identified in two additional customer initiated investment related disputes regarding allegations of his misconduct when he was associated with Raymond James Financial Services. FINRA Public Disclosure confirms that a customer initiated investment related complaint involving Cassandra’s activities was resolved for $12,500.00 in damages supported by accusations including the violation of Securities Exchange Act and Florida Statutes. The complaint alleges that the customer was defrauded by investing through Cassandra at Raymond James Financial Services. According to the complaint, a fiduciary duty was breached, and a contract between the customer and the securities broker dealer was violated. The complaint also alleges negligence by the stockbroker resulting in damages.
Cassandra is the subject of another customer initiated investment related written complaint on April 19, 2017 in which the customer sought $10,000.00 in damages founded on allegations that the customer had not been made aware from Cassandra that there was a contingent deferred surrender charge on a variable annuity that was purchased by the customer in 2017 through Raymond James Financial Services.
Cassandra has been registered as a stockbroker of Raymond James Financial Services since September 29, 2004 and registered as an investment adviser representative of Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Inc. since March 26, 2009.