Donald Trendley McKiernan of Antioch, Illinois, a stockbroker registered with Landolt Securities Inc., was the subject of a customer initiated investment related Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) securities arbitration claim that was settled for $45,000.00 in damages based upon allegations that McKiernan failed to supervise certain representatives’ GWG L Bond sales resulting in misappropriation when McKiernan was associated with Landolt Securities Inc. FINRA Arbitration No. 22-02447 (July 12, 2023).
This is not the first time that McKiernan has been referenced in a customer initiated investment related dispute concerning McKiernan’s conduct in the securities industry. FINRA Public Disclosure shows that McKiernan is also referenced in a customer initiated investment related FINRA securities arbitration claim in which the customer requested $498,000.00 in damages based upon allegations that McKiernan was negligent and failed to supervise certain representatives resulting in misappropriation of customer funds when McKiernan was associated with Landolt Securities Inc. FINRA Arbitration No. 22-01529 (October 4, 2022).
McKiernan is also referenced in a customer initiated investment related complaint filed on December 31, 2022, in which the customer requested $856,443.00 in damages based upon allegations that McKiernan failed to supervise certain representatives and was negligent in connection with the recommendation and sale of securities.
McKiernan has been associated with Landolt Securities Inc. as a stockbroker since November 8, 2005, and as an investment advisor representative since January 6, 2006.