John Mark Johnston of Broken Arrow Oklahoma a stockbroker formerly employed by BOK Financial Securities Inc. has been referenced in a customer initiated investment related complaint involving where the customer sought $120,000.00 in damages founded on accusations that Johnston deceived customers in the course of selling them corporate debt investments and direct participation program or limited partnership interests.
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Public Disclosure confirms that Johnston has been identified in four additional customer initiated investment related disputes containing allegations of his misconduct while employed with BOSC, Inc. Particularly, on October 8, 2009, a customer initiated investment related complaint regarding Johnston’s activities was settled for $15,444.00 in damages based upon accusations that inappropriate structured product investments had been placed in the customer’s investment portfolio.
On June 29, 2012, another customer initiated investment related complaint concerning Johnston’s conduct was resolved for $29,931.00 in damages supported by allegations that the customer was placed into a variable annuity that seemingly contained features which the customer had not agreed to purchase when applying. Then, on August 28, 2013, a customer filed an investment related complaint involving Johnston’s conduct in which the customer requested $26,000.00 in damages founded on accusations that the customer was not provided adequate information with regard to the terms and conditions of a Sun America annuity which the customer purchased with the proceeds of a Pacific Life annuity.
Thereafter, on October 30, 2014, a customer filed an investment related complaint regarding Johnston’s activities where the customer sought $12,214.00 in damages based upon allegations that the customer was sold an equity linked certificate of deposit that was not suitable given the customer’s age.
Johnston’s registration with BOK Financial Services Inc. has been terminated as of July 17, 2017. Since June 30, 2017, Johnston has been registered with Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC.